Strip back the masks that you have been wearing and reveal your beautiful soul to the world with one of our ‘Soul Creations’ photoshoots.
A photograph holds real power. With the right light, mood, setting and atmosphere, a portrait photograph will far outlive both the model and photographer. A photograph is not simply for posting online to reap the rewards of cheap dopamine in the form of likes. A photograph can stand the test of time, and gives a person the opportunity to tell a personal and powerful story of themselves. It is through photography and writing, that we, as humans, have the power to carry forth the wisdom that we accrue through this life.
Brad has spent the past half a decade outdoors with his camera searching for his own soul in Nature. He now wants to help you on your own quest to find yours.
“I believe that a great photograph in any genre requires the photographer to have deep empathy and understanding. It is particularly important when taking photographs of nature and the landscape, which is where I began, that the photographer can become the landscape itself for a moment. I also believe the same to be true if the artist then wishes to create a compelling and meaningful portrait of a model. It is my own deep empathy and understanding, I believe, that has led to my success within the field of landscape and nature photography, and I bring the same gifts to my work as a portrait photographer. My own openness vulnerability is what allows the model to be open, and it is the most open and vulnerable photographs, those ones that reveal the person’s soul, I feel, that are the most powerful.”
- Brad Carr